funions with onions - how to use tor


because physical wounds heal
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Use ONLY the official Tor Browser. You can download it from the following link: (this is a live link – you can visit it now and download).

1. If you cannot find your operating system among the four options shown in the image above, click on "Other Languages and Platforms" (for example, the official browser for iPhone can be found in this section – do not confuse MacOS and iOS).

2. We recommend using the MEDIUM security level when using Tor Browser. The HIGH security level will significantly hinder the normal operation of any resource.


3. Since Tor Browser directly connects to the Onion network every time it opens, there may be connection issues, which require restarting the browser (fully closing and reopening).

4. Initially, remember that Tor Browser is focused on providing security, so each circuit can consist of 5-8 intermediate points. Technical issues, for various reasons, can occur at any of these points, requiring you to change circuits (new circuit) or take a new identity (new identity) frequently. There is no need to do this unless you encounter performance or loading issues with the desired resource.

5. There are several problems that indicate the need to take a new identity or change the circuit:

  • Slow page loading.
  • Incomplete/incorrect page loading, for example:
- Partial non-loading of the page.
- Complete non-loading of the page.


6. Any 4XX error code indicates the need to change the circuit or identity, for example:

400Bad Request"Bad request". This response means that the server does not understand the request due to invalid syntax.
403Forbidden"Forbidden". The client does not have permission to access the content, so the server refuses to give a proper response.


Not Found
"Not found". The server cannot find the requested resource. The code for this answer is probably the most famous because of how often it appears on the web.

7. Any server errors with 5XX codes MAY be resolved by changing the chain or identity, BUT if unsuccessful, they require contacting a technical specialist, for example:

Internal Server
"Internal Server Error". The server has encountered a situation that it does not know how to handle.


Bad Gateway
"Bad lock". This error means that the server, while acting as a gateway to receive the response needed to process the request, received invalid (invalid) response.
504Gateway TimeoutThis error response is provided when the server is acting as a gateway and cannot receive a response in time.
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